LRTC Information Sheet
March, 2009
Part Two

Tuesday Morning Report:

Shelbie learned really fast to wake Shirley up with a whinny and a poke with her nose when she got hungry during the night. She has started eating like a horse and is very curious about her environment. She also started getting Shirley up when she needed a diaper change!

Wednesday Report:

We stopped by with the video camera and shot some clips of Shelbie. She prefers drinking milk from a bucket or bowl rather than from the bottle. Here are some stills captured from the video.

Getting a milk fill up in the back yard.
Checking out Na-a-anette.
Galloping around the yard.
Shelbie also likes to nap in the "orphan room with Na-a-anette while Na-a-anette watches the Beverly Hillbillies on TV.

A short video of these activities can be viewed on YouTube.

Wednesday morning: Shelbie has decided that she likes to help fold the laundry. Apparently she's becoming a domestic "house horse." She has also learned that if Shirley doesn't get right up to change a wet diaper, she can hook the diaper on a door knob and take it off herself.

Shirley shot some video of Shelbie playing in the yard when she was 6 days old. This video can also be viewed on YouTube.

(We will take follow-up photos and this report will be continued.)

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