Least Resistance Training Concepts
Project Activity Album

Salt Lake City's Activities
Part Four

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Here is Janet's report for Tuesday, 8-28-01:

Cliff and Yogi:

Cliff had another great day with Yogi. He again started with the flag and was able to make some more progress. He was able to approach and touch him much quicker tonight. Then he moved to the sliding neck loop and quick halter. Yogi was doing great once he had that nose loop on. And yes I stopped working so that I could make sure to get pictures tonight. Cliff was able to touch all over his face, head, and neck tonight.

Janet and Moose:

I had to take the pole in with me to approach Moose tonight. I didn't have to move it around just set it on his neck. Then I got the light rope out and threw it over his neck and he let me walk right up to him. It only took me a few short minutes to get the halter on from there. Then I concentrated on getting to the forbidden right side. By the end of the evening I was able to brush him all the way to his but on both sides, as well as his face, chest, and belly. Still holding out on the legs though. He loves to cuddle into you with his face and try to keep you away from his body


Since Frosty has been progressing so quickly we decided to give him the night off and really concentrate on Moose and Yogi. Well Frosty had other ideas. He decided he would entertain himself. Quite the comical little guy don't you think? And who could resist that face?


Janet worked by herself today. Here is her report.

The night was cool due to a nice thunder storm blowing through so couldn't think of a better way to spend an evening than with horses.

First I started with Moose. We worked on approaching without having to have anything on him (ie. sliding neck loop or pole). It took a little while for him to understand and I had to settle for approaching his left shoulder rather than his face. But we were able to build on that. After about a half hour I was able to approach his face and just cuddle it in both hands. Another 10 minutes and I was able to get a halter on easily without any restraint. He was just so cute. He would actually almost hold his breath until I would get right up and start petting his face and then he would let out a big sigh and do some licking and chewing. Then we worked on leading for a little while. After about 15 minutes he would walk across the pen with me on a loose lead. We also worked on brushing, which he seemed to enjoy and I was able to brush from head to butt on both sides. Then I worked with the feet for a little while. I was able to lift both front feet for several seconds at a time. At that I called it good and exited his pen. He actually tried to follow me for several steps as well. Which was very cool. His eyes are softening and he is starting to understand that I can be trusted.

I next stepped into Yogi's pen for just a few minutes. I was able to approach and just touch the tip of his out stretched nose so I called that good. I probably could have gone further but since that was my first touch with Yogi I didn't want to push it.

So on to Frosty's pen I went. This guy is the biggest cuddle bug it is just to funny. I was able to walk right up and put a halter on him. I pulled out the curry comb right away and you would have thought he had died and gone to heaven by the expression on his face when I found the little crease between his left shoulder and neck. He stretched out his neck and head and wiggled his lips. If I would stop and move away he would follow me around the pen until I would stop and curry some more. I was able to curry all over his body on both sides but he kept moving into position so I would keep coming back to that left shoulder. He will pick up each front foot by simply tapping on the appropriate leg and saying "foot" and hold it there until you reach up and hold it and then let it go. Next I opened up the gate and headed into the round pen with him. He went out much easier this time than his first time and we made 3 slow laps around the round pen each direction. I let him graze on a few weeds that were growing on the edges of the pen and we headed back to his pen. He walked right in. I turned around to close the gate and he followed me so out we went again. This time with no hesitation. We did another 2 laps each direction and went back to his stall. Of course he just begged to be curried on the left shoulder again so I did just to tell him how good he was.

I then went about feeding and watering everyone. I got Yogi to take food twice out of my hand for the first time since we have gotten him. Cliff has done a wonderful job with him and he is really starting to settle in. He sure is a beautiful boy.

Continue to Part Five

Meet the Animals!

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