Least Resistance Training Concepts
Project Activity Album

Salt Lake City's Activities
Part One

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Issues at the Butterfield Holding Facility led to some delays in picking up the horses for this segment. They did get to pick up the Utah horses on the evening of Tuesday, August 21.It was about 5:00 when Janet and Cliff arrived and it was right in the middle of a fierce rain storm. In fact there was a tornado warning for the other side of the valley at the same time they were picking up the horses. Very scary stuff.

All the horses for the most part seem to be pretty calm. The grulla definitely is the dominant one of the bunch. He puts the other 2 wherever he wants them. The folks up at the facility warned us about the sorrel. A wrangler said he tried to take him twice in the alleyway while trying to get loaded, but he has been quite the gentleman since "joining" the project. The bay has turned out to be the surprise of the group. While waiting to get loaded he actually made the first contact. He stepped forward about 2 steps to reach out and touch Janet's hand, while just moments before and been standing and quivering. It was very exciting. He seems to be the least photogenic of the group, however.

They all unloaded nicely and sorted even better. Gentling is scheduled to begin Thursday evening and more will be known about them by then. Cliff has started calling the bay "String bean" because he seems to be very leggy. BLM WHB

Muddy Creek Moose

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Wild Horse Diets
Wild horses primarily eat grasses and don't compete for food directly with most native species. In some areas the horses actually help control grass growth which benefits other plant communities and the animals which feed on them.

This is not a BLM operated or BLM sponsored site. It is run by private wild horse and burro enthusiasts.

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