LRTC "Wild Horse U"
Palomino Valley, NV
Informal Photo Gallery
Photos taken 4-12-06

This is a collage of some photos taken on April 12, 2006.

This collage is of mentors and potential adopters who learned to gentle wild horses and burros while supervised by clincians in training corrals set up at BLM's Palomino Valley Center in Nevada. The mentors and adopters actually gentled and handled the animals shown during the four days of the program.
A view of some of the training pens
Horse 4688
Horse 5027
Horse 5092
Horse 5409
Horse 5443
Horse 5551
"Then do you know what they did?

Continue to 4-13-06 Photos

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Least Resistance Training Concepts (LRTC) is a 501(c) (3) non-profit all-volunteer organization that
provides educational programs, and is a separate entity from BLM and the US Dept. of the Interior.

What is a Wild Horse Mentor?

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