Least Resistance Training Concepts
Project Activity Album

Part Two

Training Approaches Used

Only "low resistance" training approaches will be permitted with these animals. Mechanical or "artificial" restraints are not appropriate. "Approach and retreat," and similar interactive methods will be employed, such as those taught at the Wild Horse Workshops.

In situations where a "safe squeeze" may be needed to halter or provide veterinary care to an ungentled horse, Mike Horrigan's "approach and retreat in the squeeze" approach will be used so as not to disturb the horse.

Interacting with the animals, as opposed to forcing them to comply, is the most humane approach. Furthermore these approaches serve to lessen the animals' anxieties about people. Once they learn that people are OK, then these horses will not be stressed over the crowds at the Olympics, even though they will have just been gentled a short while.

The volunteer Wild Horse Mentors will be the primarily ones gentling, handling and training the animals. Thus this project will have educational value.

Mike Kerson clicker training Dusty in Knightsen
Shellie Demone and Gator in Lancaster

Animal Training Objectives

The horses and burros will:

  • Be able to be caught in a small pen, and be haltered and led with little or no resistance.

  • Be able to have the halter taken off and put back on with little resistance or no resistance.

  • Be able to be led and stand tied with little or no resistance.

  • Be able to be led to a stock trailer and loaded into that trailer with little or no resistance.

  • Allow a person to pick up all four feet, for hoof trimming purposes, with little or no resistance.

  • Allow a person to brush its body, and curry mane and tail, with little or no resistance.

  • Be calm and relaxed around different people, large groups of people and should be able to accept strange and loud noises, i.e., gates slamming, diesel trucks, road noises, etc., with little or no display of anxiety.
Halter practice
Learning to give to pressure
Quiet on the lead

Continue to The Three Projects

Motivating Wild Horses
One of the secrets to gentling and training a wild horse is to avoid triggering the horse's flight or fight response. Low resistance approaches and positive motivators have proved to be the most efficient and humane approaches to wild horse gentling.

What is a Wild Horse Mentor?

Album of Wild Horse Workshops

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