Least Resistance Training Concepts

Wild Horse Mentors

Definitions - Mentoring Levels
(Minimum Qualifications)

  • LEVEL I.

    A Level I Mentor, also known as a Contact Mentor, has basic knowledge of the adoption program, basic wild horse safety, and knows how to refer adopters having difficulty with horses and burros to appropriate qualified assistance. A Level I Mentor does not have to have specific gentling skills and experience.

  • Level II.

    A Level II Mentor, also known as an Experienced Mentor is someone who has had direct gentling experience either with adopted animals or in a clinical/workshop environment. An experienced mentor should be reasonably proficient in all the basic desensitizing, gentling and haltering approaches and safety practices.

  • Level III.

    A Level III Mentor, also known as a Clinician Assistant, has in-depth experience gentling and training multiple animals, has an established basic knowledge of horse behavior, is proficient and can effectively demonstrate all relevant desensitizing and gentling techniques, can get typical ungentled horses and burros safely into halter, perform basic work on the line and desensitize horses and burros to having all four feet picked up and objects placed on their backs. The Level III Mentor can be assigned animals to be gentled and trained safely and competently with minimal supervision, can effectively and correctly explain the purposes for and application of various techniques, and can conduct in-pen activities involving novices and wild horses under the overall supervision of a Level IV Mentor (Clinician.)

  • Level IV.

    A Level IV Mentor, also known as a Clinician, is an advanced level instructor/trainer who has gentled and trained numerous wild horses and burros, including difficult and previously mishandled animals, has advanced working knowledge of horse behavior, can safely work overly aggressive, overly timid and overly flighty horses, is an experienced problem solver and can safely conduct gentling and training exercises involving multiple students. A Level IV Mentor can also effectively supervise Level III Mentors (Clinician Assistants) in their teaching activities.

This is not a BLM operated or BLM sponsored site. It is run by private wild horse and burro enthusiasts.

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KBR Horse Training Information, (c) 1997 Lamm's Kickin' Back Ranch and Willis & Sharon Lamm. All rights reserved. Duplication of any of this material for commercial use is prohibited without express written permission. This prohibition is not intended to extend to personal non-commercial use, including sharing with others for safety and learning purposes, provided this copyright notice is attached.
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