LRTC Information Sheet
March, 2013
"Morningstar Dancer"

The Pine Nut Range is situated just south of the Nevada community of Dayton. Horses often come down to the adjacent Carson river for water. A local resident near US-50 has reportedly been feeding the horses, encouraging them to encroach onto the highway.

Witnesses reported that traffic was stopped to allow the horses to cross the highway when one driver pulled into a striped divider to pass the stopped cars. He struck a 3 week old foal, pulling it under his vehicle. He then ran over the foal again trying to get off of it.

According to witnesses the foal managed to get up on three legs and follow the band although she needed frequent rest stops. Her lower left hind leg was significantly injured.

Local residents indicated that the foal was three weeks old. They nicknamed her "Morningstar Dancer" as she was foaled on a particularly starry morning. They observed the foal for several hours after the accident and determined that the leg, although badly damaged, was not disfigured.

BLM gave permission for the foal to be brought in for veterinary care if it could be done safely. Residents managed to corral the band in a three-acre fenced parcel. The horses were sorted and eventually the foal was separated by moving construction netting around the parcel. A veterinarian was present during this activity.

Once the foal was separated, she was held and sedated and her injuries examined.

Condition of wound upon examination.
Debrided and ready for bandaging.

After the leg was bandaged it was time to transport the foal to emergency foal care. The foal was sedated and the easiest way to transport her to the rescue trailer was by using a stall mat.

Loading into the rescue trailer.
Recumbent in the trailer."

Upon arrival at the Lucky Horse Rehabilitation Project the foal was starting to regain consciousness. Volunteers used an assist carry to move her to the foal room.

Using assist straps to balance the foal.
In the foal care room.
Back on all fours.
A couple hours later, exploring her new environment.

Early prognosis. A follow-up examination by the veterinarian was promising. The foal presented with what appeared to be a non-displaced fracture of the short pastern and there was significant damage to the coronet band, however ligaments and tendons appeared to be intact and there was good blood perfusion. The limb was immobilized and the foal was treated for infection prevention and monitored for development of proud flesh.

Continue to The Results of Dancer's Rehabilitation

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