Least Resistance Training Concepts

Volunteers Training for Emergencies


Updated March 8, 2019

Safety harnesses are essential when working in or over hazardous areas or leaning over a large animal that could unexpectedly move and push the rescuer off balance. A second rescuer holding a tag line must be prepared to promptly pull the first rescuer back if conditions warrant. Ideally the tag line should be attached to the harness at or near the shoulder blades.

Several types of harnesses are in the equipment cache

Military Spec. Harness, required for high angle operations, useable for normal operations.

Standard industrial harnesses, used for normal operations.

Lightweight (back-up) Trem Harness.

Harnesses must be safety-checked by the Safety Officer or other qualified person before the wearer enters the work zone!

On Rescue-3 the harnesses are stowed in the bottom aft cubby hole in the right-hand shelves (black bags.)
On Rescue-3 the Trem harness is stowed in top tray of Rescue Glide Box 1.

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